How to Ballet Sissonne Complete
How to Ballet Sissonne Complete
The complet guide to learning ballet with Jacklyn Dougherty and Dr. Joni Dougherty Ed.D
Sissonne [see-SAWN]. Sissonne is named for the originator of the step It’s a jump from both feet onto one foot with the exception of sissonne fermée, sissonne tombée and sissonne fondue, which finish on two feet.
Petite sissonnes are sissonne simple, sissonne fermée, sissonne ouverte at 45 degrees and sissonne tombée at 45 degrees.
Grande sissonnes are sissonne ouverte at 90 degrees, sissonne renversée and sissonne soubresaut.
Sissonne à la seconde [see-SAWN a lah suh-GAWND]. Sissonne to the second position. French School ballet school. See Sissonne fermée dessous: Sissonne fermée dessus.
Sissonne battue [see-SAWN ba-TEW]. Sissonne beaten. Sissonne simple. ouverte and fermée can be beaten.
Sissonne changée en arrière (see-SAWN shahn-ZHAY ah na-RYER]. Sissonne changed, backward. This is a term of the Cecchetti method, fifth position right foot back. Demi plié and spring upward and backward in the air, come to ground on left food, Demi plié with Right leg in the fourth position front in the air. As soon as the Left. foot comes to the ground, close the Right foot to the fifth position front in demi-plié.
Sissonne changée en avant (spe-SAWN shahn-Z.HAY ah na-VAHN), Sis-sonne changed, forward. This is a term of the Cecchetti method. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plié and spring upward and forward into the air: come to the ground on the 1. foot in demi-plie with the R leg done from a demi-plié on both feet and finished on one foot with the other leg raised in the desired pose, such as attitude, arabesque à la seconde, etc. It is performed en avant, en arrière, de côté, en tournant and is done with a développé or a grand battement at 90 degrees.
Sissonne ouverte, petite [puh-TEET see-SAWN oo-VEHRT]. Small open sissonne. This sissonne is performed with low elevation. It is finished on one foot and is done with a développé or battement at 45 degrees. In the Russian School the opening of the leg must take place through the position sur le cou-de-pied.
Sissonne ouverte battue [see-SAWN oo-VEHRT ba-TEW]. Open sissonne with a beat. This may be performed with the beat of an entrechat trois, cinq or sept.
Sissonne ouverte de côté [see-SAWN 00- VEHRT duh koh-TAY]. Sissonne opened sideways. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plié, spring upward and sideways (left) into the air, opening the R leg to the second position en l'air either à la hauteur or à la demi-hauteur. Come to the ground on the L foot in demi-plié, holding the R leg in the air. May also be executed with the R foot back.
Sissonne ouverte en arrière [see-SAWN oo-VEHRT ah na-RYEHR]. Sis-sonne opened backward. Fifth position Right foot front. Demi-plié and spring upward and backward into the air, opening the R leg à la quatrième devant, either a la hauteur or a la demi-hauteur. Come to the ground on the L foot in demi-plié, holding the Right leg in the air.
May be executed en arrière, croisé en arrière or effacé en arrière.
Sissonne ouverte en avant [see-SAWN 00-VEHRT ah na-VAHN. Sis-sonne opened forward. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plié, spring upward and forward into the air, opening the L leg à la quatrième derrière, either à la hauteur or à la demi-hauteur. Come to the ground on the right foot in demi-plié, holding the L leg in the air. May be executed en avant, croisé en avant or effacé en avant.
Sissonne ouverte en développé [see-SAWN 00-VEHRT ahn dayu-Law-PAY] Sissonne opened in développé. This is done the same way as sissonne ouverte, but instead of opening the leg with a straight knee, the leg is opened in développé. May be done en avant, en arrière, de côté and en tournant.
Sissonne ouverte en tournant [see-SAWN o-VEHRT ahn toor-NAHN]. Open sissonne, turning. Fifth position croisée R foot front. Demi-plié, spring into the air, turning en dehors or en dedans; come to the ground in fondu on the L foot, opening the R leg with or without a développé to the desired pose at 45 or 90 degrees.
Sissonne ouverte sur la pointe ballet Russian School [see-SAWN 00-VEHRT ser lah pent]. Open sissonne on the point. This is a relevé on the point and may be done petite or grande.
Petite sissonne ouverte sur la pointe: Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and spring on the point of the L foot, opening the R leg through sur le cou-de-pied (devant or derrière) to the second position at 45 degrees. Come down in demi-plie in the fifth position on both legs at the same time. The working leg may also be opened croisé, effacé or écarté, either devant or derrière.
Grande sissonne ouverte sur la pointe: This is done in the same manner, opening the working leg to second position at 90 degrees by means of a développé. The working leg may also be opened croisé, effacé or écarté, either devant or derrière. This grande sissonne is also performed in attitude croisée, attitude effacée and first, second, third and fourth arabesque, raising the working leg to 90 degrees by means of a battement.
Sissonne passée derrière [see-SAWN pa-SAY deh-RYEHR]. Sissonne passed in back. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plié, spring upward into the air with knees and toes extended. Come to the ground in demi-plié on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied derrière.
Sissonne passée devant [see-SAWN pa-SAY duh-VAHN]. Sissonne passed in front. Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plié, spring upward into the air with knees and toes extended. Come to the ground in demi-plié on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied devant.
Sissonne renversée [see-SAWN rahn-vehr-SAY]. Sissonne upset. A term of the Russian School. From the fifth position croisé, execute a sissonne ouverte en avant into attitude croisée, then immediately do a pas de bourrée en dehors, bending the body in renversé.
Sissonne retombée [see-SAWN ruh-lawn-BAY]. Sissonne, falling back. A term of the Cecchetti method. Same as sissonne doublée
Sissonne simple [see-SAWN SEN-pluh]. Simple sissonne. This sissonne is done sur place, devant, derrière, passée devant and passée derrière, and may be executed en face or en tournant. This term is used in the Russian and French Schools; the step consists of a spring from the fifth position, landing with one foot sur le cou-de-pied. The Cecchetti method terms this "temps levé."
Sissonne simple battue [see-SAWN SEN-pluh ba-TEW). Simple sissonne beaten. When sissonne simple is done with a beat it changes its name and is called "entrechat trois" or "entrechat cinq" according to the number of times the feet are changed or beaten in the air.
Sissonne simple derrière [see-SAWN SEN-pluh deh-RYEHR]. Simple sissonne in back. Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plié, spring upward into the air with knees and toes extended. Come to the ground in demi-plié on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied derrière.
Sissonne simple détournée (see-SAWN SEN-pluh day-toor-NAY. Simple sissonne turned aside. This is a sissonne simple en tournant turning in the direction of the back foot. Fifth position R foot back; demi-plié; pring into the air, making a complete turn to the right (en dehors). Land in demi-plié on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied derrière or devant.
Sissonne simple devant [see-SAWN SEN-pluh duh-VAHNJ. Simple sis-sonne in front. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plié, spring upward into the air with knees and toes extended. Come to the ground in demi-plié on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied devant.
Sissonne simple en tournant (see-SAWN SEN-pluh ahn toor-NAHN]. Simple sissonne, turning. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plié: spring into the air, making a complete turn to the right (en dehors). Land in demi-plié on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied devant. The turn may also be done en dedans: Fifth position R foot back; demi-plié; and spring into the air, making a complete turn to the left (en dedans). Land in demi-plie on the L foot with the R foot sur le cou-de-pied devant. Called "temps levé en tournant" in the Cecchetti method.
Sissonne simple sur la pointe (ballet Russian School) [see-SAWN SEN-pluh sewr lah pwent). Simple sissonne on the point. This is a relevé on the point of one foot with the working foot raised sur le cou-de-pied or retiré. For the execution of this step devant, see Relevé devant. For derrière, see Relevé derrière. For passée en avant, see Relevé passé en avant. For passée en arrière, see Relevé passé en arrière.
Sissonne soubresaut [see-SAWN soo-bruh-SOH]. Sissonne with a sudden jump or jerk. A term of the Russian School. Same as temps de poisson.
Sissonne sur la pointe (ballet Russian School) [see-SAWN sewr lah prent. Sissonne on the point. In the Russian School the term sissonne, when done on point, is used like the Cecchetti method term "relevé." It is a spring from demi-plié onto point from both feet to one foot. See Sissonne ouverte sur la pointe; Sissonne simple sur la pointe.
Sissonne tombante [see-SAWN lawn-BAHNT]. Sissonne, falling. A term of the Cecchetti method. Same as sissonne tombée.
Sissonne tombée [see-SAWN tawn-BAY). Sissonne, falling. This is a compound step consisting of a sissonne simple and a tombé. Fifth position R foot front. Execute a sissonne simple devant. Immediately upon landing on the L foot, fall forward in demi-plié on the R foot in the fourth position front, either croisé or effacé. Sissonne tombée may As be performed ne the fanth position back or to the second position.