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 Pas [pah]. Step. A simple step or a compound movement which involves a transfer of weight. Example: pas de bourree. “Pas” also refers to a dance executed by a soloist (pas seul), a duet (pas de deux), and so on.  Pas alle [pah a-LAY]. Walking step. This is a simple walking step in which the whole foot is placed on the floor, not the toe first as in pas marche.  Pas assemble [pah a-sahn-BLAY]. Assembled step. A basic step of allegro. See Assemble. Pas ballotte [pah ba-law-TAY ]. Tossed step. See Ballotte.  Pas battus [pah ba-TEW]. Beaten steps. Any step done with a beat is called a pas battu. The pas battus include such steps as assemble, jete, ballonne, sissonne, echappe, saut de basque, jete entrelace, etc.  Pas brise [pah bree-ZAY]. Breaking step. See Brise.  Pas compose [pah kawn-poh-ZAY ]. Compound step. A term of the French School for any of various combinations of steps. SbeCompound step; Enchainement.  Pas coupe [pah koo-PAY]. Cutting step. See Coupe.  Pas couru [pah koo-REW]. Running step. Pas couru is a run in any direction and is composed of three or five running steps on the demi-pointes to gain momentum for such steps as grand jete en avant, grand jete pas de chat, etc. The demi-plie at the end of the pas couru is emphasized, followed by the step for which it serves as a springboard. The term is also used for a run on point in an unturned-out first position.  Pas d’action [pah dak-SYAWN]. Dance action. A scene in a ballet that expresses emotion or tells a story by means of mime and dance. Examples of pas d’action are to be found in Giselle, Act I, inCoppelia and in The Sleeping Beauty.  Pas de basque [pah duh bask]. Basque step. A characteristic step of the national dances of the Basques that has been adapted to ballet use. There are two types of pas de basque; pas de basque glisse, which is done close to the floor, and pas de basque saute, which is jumped. The step is performed en avant, en arriere and en tournant.  Pas de basque battu (Cecchetti method) [pah duh bask ba-TEW]. Pas de basque, beaten. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and spring off the L foot, raising the R foot a few inches off the floor, toward corner l. While the body is in the air, beat the feet (from the base of the calves down) together, R foot front, and simultaneously interchange them. Land on the R foot in demi- plie and immediately close the L foot in demi-plie in the fifth position front.  Pas de basque en arriere, grand [grahnpah duh bask ah na- RYEHR]. Large pas de basque, traveling backward. To perform this, reverse the movements of grand pas de basque en avant (q.v.). It may also be performed eliminating the demi-grand rond de jambe en dedans, in which case the step begins with a jete de cote at 90 degrees.  Pas de basque en avant, grand [ grahnpah duh bask ah na-VAHAf]. Large pas de basque, traveling forward. Fifth position croise, R foot front. Demi-plie and execute a demi-grand rond de jambe en dehors to the second position at 90 degrees; spring to the right on the R foot, landing in demi-plie, and simultaneously execute a developpe croise devant with the L toe passing the R knee before extending forward at 90 degrees; step on the L demi-pointe croise en avant and quickly bring the R foot to the fifth position back on demi- pointe, then demi-plie in fifth position croise.  Pas de basque en descendant [ pah duh bask ahn day-sahn-DAHN ]. Pas de basque, coming down (stage). A term of the French School. Same as pas de basque en avant.  Pas de basque en detournant, grand [ grahn pah duh bask ahn day- toor-NAHN]. A term of the French School. Same as grand pas de basque en tournant.  Pas de basque en remontant [ pah duh bask ahn ruh-mawn-TAHAf]. Pas de basque, going up (stage). A term of the French School. Same as pas de basque en arriere.  Pas de basque en tournant [ pah duh bask ahn toor-NAHN]. Pas de basque, turning. This is a compound step consisting of a pas de basque en avant turning a half-turn en dedans, followed by a pas de basque en arriere turning a half-turn en dehors, to make one complete turn.  Pas de basque en tournant, grand [ grahn pah duh bask ahn toor- NAHN ]. Large pas de basque, turning. This is done like the grand pas de basque (en avant) but the first two movements are done with straight legs. Demi-plie in the fifth position. Execute a demi-grand rond de jambe en dehors at 90 degrees with the R leg, spring upward and execute a demi-grand rond de jambe en dedans at 90 degrees with the L leg. Alight in fondu on the R leg and close the L leg to the fifth position front, turning quickly en dedans on the balls of the feet. Finish in demi-plie in the fifth position R foot front.  Pas de basque glisse en arriere [pah duh bask glee-SAY ah na- RYEHR ]. Pas de basque, gliding backward. To perform this, reverse the movements of pas de basque glisse en avant (q.u.). It may also be performed eliminating the demi-rond de jambe en dedans, in which case the step begins with a battement soutenu to the second position.  Pas de basque glisse en avant [pah duh bask glee-SAY ah na-VAHN ]. Pas de basque, gliding forward. Fifth position croise, R foot front. Demi-plie and slide the R foot croise devant, pointe tendue, and immediately execute a demi-rond de jambe a terre en dehors; jump on the R foot in demi-plie without getting off the floor and extend the L foot pointe tendue to the second position; glide the L foot through the first position (the Cecchetti method glides through the fifth), allowing the knee to bend, to the fourth position front (croise); the weight is then taken on the L foot and both knees straighten as the R foot is pointed in croise derriere; the R foot then executes a coupe dessous or is closed to the fifth position croise derriere in demi-plie.  Pas de basque par terre [ pah duh bask par tehr ]. Pas de basque on the ground. A term of the Russian School. Same as pas de basque glisse (en avant or en arriere).  Pas de basque saute en avant [ pah duh bask soh-TAY ah na-VAHN]. Pas de basque, jumping forward. This is done in the same manner as the pas de basque glisse en avant, but the legs are raised off the floor and the step is jumped. Execute the demi-rond de jambe en dehors slightly off the floor, then spring to the working foot and step forward to the fourth position croise. Finish with a coupe dessous or close in the fifth position in demi-plie. Pas de basque saute en arriereis done in the same manner, reversing the directions.  Pas de basque sur les pointes [pah duh bask sewr lay pwent]. Pas de basque on the points. A term of the Cecchetti method. Stand in the fourth position croise R foot front, pointe tendue. Execute a demi-rond de jambe en Pair en dehors (demi-hauteur), springing onto the R point. Immediately bring the L foot to the fifth position front sur la pointe. Remaining on the points, turn the body to the right until it returns to the starting position, changing the feet so that the R foot is in front. Lower the heels and demi-plie in the fifth position, or fondu on the L leg, extending the R leg to the fourth position en Pair croise (demi-hauteur). See Tour de basque.  Pas de batterie [ pah duh bat-REE ]. Beating steps. A term of the French School. See Battu. Pas deboite [pah day-bwah-TAY ]. Disjointed step. See Deboite. Pas de bourree [pah duh boo-RAY ]. Bourree step. Pas de bourree is done dessous, dessus, devant, derriere, en avant, en arriere and en tournant en dedans and en dehors, on the point or demi-pointe. Pas de bourree bateau [pah duh boo-RAY ba-TOH ]. Boat-like pas de bourree. A term of the French School. This is a pas de bourree en avant taken in an efface direction and ending with the free foot extended a la demi- hauteur. This is immediately followed by a pas de bourree en arriere taken in an efface direction and ending with the free foot extended a la demi- hauteur. See Pas de bourree en arriere; Pas de bourree en avant.  Pas de bourree change sur les pointes [pah duh boo-RAY shahn- ZHAY sewr lay pwent]. Pas de bourree, changing, on the toes. A series of quick little steps in place on the points or demi-pointes. Fifth position R foot front. Step on the L point crossed behind the R, take a tiny step on the R point to the right, then step on the L point crossed in front of the R. Repeat starting with the R foot. The step is done alternating sides as rapidly as possible and remaining sur place.  Pas de bourree couru [pah duh boo-RAY koo-REW]. Pas de bourree, running. A term of the French School. This is a progression on the points or demi-pointes by a series of small, even steps with the feet close together. It may be done in all directions or in a circle. Same as pas de bourree  Pas de bourree couru en cinquieme [pah duh boo-RAY koo-REW ahn sen-KYEM ]. Pas de bourree, running, in the fifth position. A term of the French School. This pas de bourree is done on the points or demi-pointes. The back foot should start the action and remain the leader throughout the duration of the step. Fifth position, R foot front. Take a tiny step to the right on the L point, then close the R point to the fifth position front; step to the right again with the L foot, and so on. When traveling to the left the L foot will be in front and the R foot will lead. This pas de bourree may be taken in all directions and in a circle. See Pas de bourree suivi. Pas de bourree couru en premiere [ pah duh boo-RAY koo-REW ahn pruh-MYEHR]. Pas de bourree, running, in the first position. This step travels en avant, en arriere and so on. The feet are in the first position on the points or demi-pointes, without a turn-out, and the step is done traveling with a series of tiny steps closing in the first position. Pas de bourree derriere [pah duh boo-RAY deh-RYEHR]. Pas de bourree in back. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position en Pair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position back, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the second position, stepping on the demi-pointe. Bring the R foot in back of the L and lower both heels to the ground in the fifth position, demi-plie. The degage movement of this step may be started from the fifth position front or back.    Pas de bourree dessous [pah duh boo-RAY duh-SOO ]. Pas de bourree under. Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position en Pair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position back, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the second position, stepping on the demi-pointe. Bring the R foot in front of the L and lower both heels to the ground, demi-plie. This step may also be done bringing the free foot sur le cou-de-pied or to the knee on each step and finishing with the back foot sur le cou-de-pied. In this case the degage to the second position may be omitted. This step may also be done commencing with the R foot in the front. For a memory aid, see Pas de bourree derriere.  Pas de bourree dessous en tournant [ pah duh boo-RAY duh-SOO ahn toor-NAHN\. Pas de bourree under, turning. This pas de bourree is done turning en dehors. Fifth position R foot front or back. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position so that the point is a little off the ground.  Step on the R demi-pointe in the fifth position back, rising on the L demi- pointe and making a half-turn en dehors to the right. Step on the demi-pointe of the L foot, completing the turn to face front, and demi-plie in the fifth position R foot front. The turn may also be done lifting the free foot sur le cou- de-pied on each step, as: L foot sur le cou-de-pied devant, R foot sur le cou-de- pied devant and finishing with the L foot sur le cou-de-pied derriere. The French School terms this step “pas de bourree detourne.” See Pas de bourree en tournant en dehors.  Pas de bourree dessus [ pah duh boo-RAY duh-SEW]. Pas de bourree over. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position en Fair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position front, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the second position, stepping on the demi-pointe. Bring the R foot in back of the L in the fifth position and lower both heels to the ground and demi-plie. This step may also be done bringing the free foot sur le cou-de-pied or to the knee on each step and finishing with the front foot sur le cou-de-pied. In this case the degage to the second position may be omitted. The step may also be done commencing with the R foot in the back. For a memory aid, see Pas de bourree derriere.  Pas de bourree dessus en tournant [ pah duh boo-RAY duh-SEW ahn toor-NAHN]. Pas de bourree over, turning. This pas de bourree is done turning en dedans. Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position so that the point is a little off the ground. Step on the R demi-pointe in the fifth position front, rising on the L demi-pointe and making a half-turn en dedans to the left. Step on the demi-pointe of the L foot, completing the turn to face front, and demi-plie in the fifth position R foot back. The turn may also be done lifting the free foot sur le cou-de-pied on each step, as: L foot sur le cou-de-pied derriere, R foot sur le cou-de-pied derriere and finishing L foot sur le cou-de-pied devant. The French School terms this step “pas de bourree enveloppe en tournant.” SeePas de bourree en tournant en dedans.  Pas de bourree detourne [ pah duh boo-RAY day-toor-NAY ]. A term of the French School. Same as pas de bourree dessous en tournant.  Pas de bourree devant [ pah duh boo-RAY duh-VAHN ]. Pas de bourree in front. Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position en Pair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position front, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the second position, stepping on and lower both heels to the ground in the fifth position, demi-plie. The degage movement of this step may be started from the fifth position front or back. For a memory aid, see Pas de bourree derriere.  Pas de bourree emboite [ pah duh boo-RAY ahn-bwah-TAY ]. Pas de bourree “boxed.” A term of the Russian School. See Emboite sur les pointes.  Pas de bourree en arriere [ pah duh boo-RAY ah na-RYEHR]. Pas de bourree backward. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the fourth position front en Pair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position front, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the fourth position back, stepping on the demi-pointe. Bring the R foot in front of the L and lower both heels to the floor in the fifth position or extend the L leg a la quatrieme derriere a la demi-hauteur. May be taken croise en arriere or efface en arriere.  Pas de bourree en avant [ pah duh boo-RAY ah na-VAHN ]. Pas de bourree forward. Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the fourth position back en Pair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position back, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the fourth position front, stepping on the demi-pointe. Bring the R foot in back of the L foot and lower both heels to the ground in demi-plie in the fifth position or extend the L leg forward a la quatrieme devant a la demi- hauteur. May be taken croise en avant or efface en avant. Pas de bourree en tournant en dedans [pah duh boo-RAY ahn toor- NAHN ahn duh-DAHN]. Pas de bourree, turning inward. The general construction of this step is the same as the pas de bourree dessus en tournant. Pas de bourree en tournant en dehors [ pah duh boo-RAY ahn toor- NAHN ahn duh-AWR]. Pas de bourree, turning outward. The general construction of this step is the same as the pas de bourree dessous en tournant. Pas de bourree enveloppe en tournant [pah duh boo-RAY ahn-vuh- law-PAY ahn toor-NAHEf]. Pas de bourree enveloped, turning. A term of the French School. Same as pas de bourree dessus en tournant. Pas de bourree jete en tournant [pah duh boo-RAY zhuh-TAY ahn toor-NAHN]. Pas de bourree thrown, turning. A compound step consisting of a pas de bourree dessus en tournant, making three-quarters of a turn, and a jete en avant, completing the turn. Pas de bourree pique [pah duh boo-RAY pee-KAY]. Pas de bourree pricked. The free foot is picked up sharply sur le cou-de-pied or en retire on each step. Pas de bourree pique may be done on the points or demi-pointes, dessous, dessus, en tournant en dedans and en tournant en dehors. Pas de bourree pique dessous [pah duh boo-RAY pee-KAY duh-SOO ]. Pas de bourree pique under. Fifth position croise, R foot front. Fondu on R, raising L foot to retire derriere. Pique on the L point or demi-pointe, raising the R foot sharply to retire devant. Step on the R point or demi-pointe to a small second position, raising the L foot to retire devant. Coupe dessus on the L foot (croise) with a good fondu, raising the R foot to retire derriere. Pas de bourree pique may also be finished in the fifth position on the points or demi- pointes. Pas de bourree renverse [ pah duh boo-RAY rahn-vehr-SAY ]. Pas de bourree upset. This is a pas de bourree en tournant en dehors executed with a back-bend. See Renverse. Pas de bourree suivi [ pah duh boo-RAY swee-VEE ]. Pas de bourree followed or connected. A term of the Russian School. This is a series of very small steps on the points. It may be done in all directions. There are two forms of pas de bourree suivi, one done in the fifth position and one done in the first position. See Pas de bourree couru en cinquieme; Pas de bourree coura en premiere.  Pas de bourree suivi en tournant [ pah duh boo-RAY swee-VEE ahn toor-NAHN]. Pas de bourree connected, turning. This is a series of very small steps on the points in the fifth position, turning in place.  Pas de bourree suivi in fifth position [ pah duh boo-RAY swee-VEE]. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and releve to points. Step on the L point crossed behind the R foot, then close the R foot to the fifth position front; step to the right again on the L foot, and so on. Pas de bourree suivi in fifth position may be taken in all directions. See Pas de bourree couru en cinquieme. Pas de bourree suivi in first position (pas couru) [ pah duh boo- RAY swee-VEE; pah koo-REW]. This step is always executed without a turnout (knees straight forward). It is done traveling forward or backward. See Pas de bourree couru en premiere.  Pas de chat, grand [ grahnpah duh shah]. Done from fifth to fifth and travels obliquely forward. Fifth position right foot back. Raise the right toe in retire to the side of the left knee and demi-plie on the left leg, spring upward, to the side on the right foot in a diagonal direction, bringing the left toe to the side of the right knee. The landing is made almost simultaneously, first the right foot lands in demi-plie, followed by the left foot, which closes in the fifth position front, bending the knee.   Pas de chat, grand (Russian School) [ grahnpah duh shah]. This step is started from an auxiliary step such as a glissade or pas couru. After the preliminary step (to the right), the R leg is thrown forward as in grand jete en avant (body efface) with the L leg up and back. Quickly bend the R knee, bringing the R foot to the L knee, then land on the R foot in demi-plie and glide the L foot through the first position to the fourth position front in croise, L leg in demi-plie. This pas de chat requires a long, high jump.  Pas de chat russe, grand [grahnpah duh shah rewss ]. Large Russian pas de chat. Same as grand pas de chat (Russian School).  Pas de chat (Russian School) [ pah duh shah]. In the Russian School, pas de chat is done in a different manner from the Cecchetti method. Fifth position croise R foot back. Demi-plie and brush the R leg in a half-bent position a la quatrieme derriere croise (demi -hauteur). The L leg follows, being thrown back in a half-bent position in efface to meet the R leg. There is a moment when both legs are in the air passing each other. The landing is made in demi-plie on the R leg, followed by the L leg, which passes forward into the fourth position croise, body facing croise. The L foot may also be closed in the fifth position. There should be a forward movement during the spring and the back should be arched when both feet are in the air.  Pas de cheval [pah duh shuh-VAL]. Horse’s-step. This step is so called because it resembles the movement of a horse pawing the ground. From the fourth position devant pointe tendue, brush the pointed foot inward toward the knee of the supporting leg. Without stopping the movement, execute a developpe, finishing pointe tendue a terre in the fourth position devant. The step may also be performed with a hop on the supporting foot as the working leg performs the developpe and points on the floor. It is usually performed in a series on alternating feet on the points or demi-pointes.    Pas de deux, grand [grahnpah duh duh]. Grand dance for two. It differs from the simple pas de deux in that it has a definite structure. As a general rule the grand pas de deux falls into five parts: entree, adage, variation for the danseuse, variation for the danseur, and the coda, in which both dancers dance together.   Pas d’elevation [pah day-lay-va-SYAWN]. See Elevation, pas d’.  Pas de papillon [pah duh pa-pee-YAWN]. Butterfly step. Same as jete passe en arriere  Pas de poisson [ pah duh pwah-SAWN]. Fish step. Same as temps de poisson.  Pas de polka [ pah duh pawl-KA]. Polka step. Fifth position R foot front. Temps leve on the L foot and execute a petit developpe a la quatrieme devant with the R leg. Step forward on the R foot and place the L foot slightly behind the R, then step forward on the R foot. Repeat on alternate feet. This step may be done sur les demi-pointes or sur les pointes traveling en avant, en arriere or in any direction.  Pas de quatre [ pah duh KA-truh]. A dance for four. The most famous pas de quatre in ballet history took place in London on July 12, 1845, at a command performance for Queen Victoria, when the four greatest ballerinas of the nineteenth century, Marie Taglioni, Carlotta Grisi, Fanny Cerrito and Lucile Grahn, appeared together.  Pas de trois [ pah duh trwah]. A dance for three. Similarly, a pas de cinq is a dance for five people; a pas de six is a dance for six people; etc.  Pas de valse [ pah duh valss ]. Waltz step. Done with a graceful swaying of the body with various arm movements. May be done facing or en tournant. The step is like a balance, but the feet do not cross.  Pas emboite [ pah ahn-bwah-TAY ]. “Boxed” step. See Emboite.  Pas failli [pah fah-YEE]. Giving-way step. See Failli.  Pas glisse [ pah glee-SAY ]. Gliding step. Any step that glides on the floor. Example: battement glisse.  Pas jete [ pah zhuh-TAY ]. Thrown or throwing step. See Jete.  Pas marche [ pah mar-SHAY ]. Marching step. This is the dignified, classical walk of the ballerina and the premier danseur. The step is commenced with a petit developpe R with a strongly arched instep, followed by a fondu on the supporting L leg. Step forward on the R foot in the fourth position croise so that the toe reaches the ground first, then lower the R heel with the foot slightly turned out, transferring the weight forward. Repeat on alternate feet.  Jacklyn Dougherty
Jacklyn Dougherty

Check out our ballet glossary and our Youtube for learn ballet at home videos. Much Love Jacklyn Dougherty and Dr. Joni Dougherty Ed.D

Pas [pah]. Step. A simple step or a compound movement which involves a transfer of weight. Example: pas de bourree. “Pas” also refers to a dance executed by a soloist (pas seul), a duet (pas de deux), and so on.

Pas alle [pah a-LAY]. Walking step. This is a simple walking step in which the whole foot is placed on the floor, not the toe first as in pas marche.

Pas assemble [pah a-sahn-BLAY]. Assembled step. A basic step of allegro. See Assemble.

Pas ballotte [pah ba-law-TAY ]. Tossed step. See Ballotte.

Pas battus [pah ba-TEW]. Beaten steps. Any step done with a beat is called a pas battu. The pas battus include such steps as assemble, jete, ballonne, sissonne, echappe, saut de basque, jete entrelace, etc.

Pas brise [pah bree-ZAY]. Breaking step. See Brise.

Pas compose [pah kawn-poh-ZAY ]. Compound step. A term of the French School for any of various combinations of steps. SbeCompound step; Enchainement.

Pas coupe [pah koo-PAY]. Cutting step. See Coupe.

Pas couru [pah koo-REW]. Running step. Pas couru is a run in any direction and is composed of three or five running steps on the demi-pointes to gain momentum for such steps as grand jete en avant, grand jete pas de chat, etc. The demi-plie at the end of the pas couru is emphasized, followed by the step for which it serves as a springboard. The term is also used for a run on point in an unturned-out first position.

Pas d’action [pah dak-SYAWN]. Dance action. A scene in a ballet that expresses emotion or tells a story by means of mime and dance. Examples of pas d’action are to be found in Giselle, Act I, inCoppelia and in The Sleeping Beauty.

Pas de basque [pah duh bask]. Basque step. A characteristic step of the national dances of the Basques that has been adapted to ballet use. There are two types of pas de basque; pas de basque glisse, which is done close to the floor, and pas de basque saute, which is jumped. The step is performed en avant, en arriere and en tournant.

Pas de basque battu (Cecchetti method) [pah duh bask ba-TEW]. Pas de basque, beaten. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and spring off the L foot, raising the R foot a few inches off the floor, toward corner l. While the body is in the air, beat the feet (from the base of the calves down) together, R foot front, and simultaneously interchange them. Land on the R foot in demi- plie and immediately close the L foot in demi-plie in the fifth position front.

Pas de basque en arriere, grand [grahnpah duh bask ah na- RYEHR]. Large pas de basque, traveling backward. To perform this, reverse the movements of grand pas de basque en avant (q.v.). It may also be performed eliminating the demi-grand rond de jambe en dedans, in which case the step begins with a jete de cote at 90 degrees.

Pas de basque en avant, grand [ grahnpah duh bask ah na-VAHAf]. Large pas de basque, traveling forward. Fifth position croise, R foot front. Demi-plie and execute a demi-grand rond de jambe en dehors to the second position at 90 degrees; spring to the right on the R foot, landing in demi-plie, and simultaneously execute a developpe croise devant with the L toe passing the R knee before extending forward at 90 degrees; step on the L demi-pointe croise en avant and quickly bring the R foot to the fifth position back on demi- pointe, then demi-plie in fifth position croise.

Pas de basque en descendant [ pah duh bask ahn day-sahn-DAHN ]. Pas de basque, coming down (stage). A term of the French School. Same as pas de basque en avant.

Pas de basque en detournant, grand [ grahn pah duh bask ahn day- toor-NAHN]. A term of the French School. Same as grand pas de basque en tournant.

Pas de basque en remontant [ pah duh bask ahn ruh-mawn-TAHAf]. Pas de basque, going up (stage). A term of the French School. Same as pas de basque en arriere.

Pas de basque en tournant [ pah duh bask ahn toor-NAHN]. Pas de basque, turning. This is a compound step consisting of a pas de basque en avant turning a half-turn en dedans, followed by a pas de basque en arriere turning a half-turn en dehors, to make one complete turn.

Pas de basque en tournant, grand [ grahn pah duh bask ahn toor- NAHN ]. Large pas de basque, turning. This is done like the grand pas de basque (en avant) but the first two movements are done with straight legs. Demi-plie in the fifth position. Execute a demi-grand rond de jambe en dehors at 90 degrees with the R leg, spring upward and execute a demi-grand rond de jambe en dedans at 90 degrees with the L leg. Alight in fondu on the R leg and close the L leg to the fifth position front, turning quickly en dedans on the balls of the feet. Finish in demi-plie in the fifth position R foot front.

Pas de basque glisse en arriere [pah duh bask glee-SAY ah na- RYEHR ]. Pas de basque, gliding backward. To perform this, reverse the movements of pas de basque glisse en avant (q.u.). It may also be performed eliminating the demi-rond de jambe en dedans, in which case the step begins with a battement soutenu to the second position.

Pas de basque glisse en avant [pah duh bask glee-SAY ah na-VAHN ]. Pas de basque, gliding forward. Fifth position croise, R foot front. Demi-plie and slide the R foot croise devant, pointe tendue, and immediately execute a demi-rond de jambe a terre en dehors; jump on the R foot in demi-plie without getting off the floor and extend the L foot pointe tendue to the second position; glide the L foot through the first position (the Cecchetti method glides through the fifth), allowing the knee to bend, to the fourth position front (croise); the weight is then taken on the L foot and both knees straighten as the R foot is pointed in croise derriere; the R foot then executes a coupe dessous or is closed to the fifth position croise derriere in demi-plie.

Pas de basque par terre [ pah duh bask par tehr ]. Pas de basque on the ground. A term of the Russian School. Same as pas de basque glisse (en avant or en arriere).

Pas de basque saute en avant [ pah duh bask soh-TAY ah na-VAHN]. Pas de basque, jumping forward. This is done in the same manner as the pas de basque glisse en avant, but the legs are raised off the floor and the step is jumped. Execute the demi-rond de jambe en dehors slightly off the floor, then spring to the working foot and step forward to the fourth position croise.

Finish with a coupe dessous or close in the fifth position in demi-plie. Pas de basque saute en arriereis done in the same manner, reversing the directions.

Pas de basque sur les pointes [pah duh bask sewr lay pwent]. Pas de basque on the points. A term of the Cecchetti method. Stand in the fourth position croise R foot front, pointe tendue. Execute a demi-rond de jambe en Pair en dehors (demi-hauteur), springing onto the R point. Immediately bring the L foot to the fifth position front sur la pointe. Remaining on the points, turn the body to the right until it returns to the starting position, changing the feet so that the R foot is in front. Lower the heels and demi-plie in the fifth position, or fondu on the L leg, extending the R leg to the fourth position en Pair croise (demi-hauteur). See Tour de basque.

Pas de batterie [ pah duh bat-REE ]. Beating steps. A term of the French School. See Battu.

Pas deboite [pah day-bwah-TAY ]. Disjointed step. See Deboite.

Pas de bourree [pah duh boo-RAY ]. Bourree step. Pas de bourree is done dessous, dessus, devant, derriere, en avant, en arriere and en tournant en dedans and en dehors, on the point or demi-pointe.

Pas de bourree bateau [pah duh boo-RAY ba-TOH ]. Boat-like pas de bourree. A term of the French School. This is a pas de bourree en avant taken in an efface direction and ending with the free foot extended a la demi- hauteur. This is immediately followed by a pas de bourree en arriere taken in an efface direction and ending with the free foot extended a la demi- hauteur. See Pas de bourree en arriere; Pas de bourree en avant.

Pas de bourree change sur les pointes [pah duh boo-RAY shahn- ZHAY sewr lay pwent]. Pas de bourree, changing, on the toes. A series of quick little steps in place on the points or demi-pointes. Fifth position R foot front. Step on the L point crossed behind the R, take a tiny step on the R point to the right, then step on the L point crossed in front of the R. Repeat starting with the R foot. The step is done alternating sides as rapidly as possible and remaining sur place.

Pas de bourree couru [pah duh boo-RAY koo-REW]. Pas de bourree, running. A term of the French School. This is a progression on the points or demi-pointes by a series of small, even steps with the feet close together. It may be done in all directions or in a circle. Same as pas de bourree

Pas de bourree couru en cinquieme [pah duh boo-RAY koo-REW ahn sen-KYEM ]. Pas de bourree, running, in the fifth position. A term of the French School. This pas de bourree is done on the points or demi-pointes. The back foot should start the action and remain the leader throughout the duration of the step. Fifth position, R foot front. Take a tiny step to the right on the L point, then close the R point to the fifth position front; step to the right again with the L foot, and so on. When traveling to the left the L foot will be in front and the R foot will lead. This pas de bourree may be taken in all directions and in a circle. See Pas de bourree suivi.

Pas de bourree couru en premiere [ pah duh boo-RAY koo-REW ahn pruh-MYEHR]. Pas de bourree, running, in the first position. This step travels en avant, en arriere and so on. The feet are in the first position on the points or demi-pointes, without a turn-out, and the step is done traveling with a series of tiny steps closing in the first position.

Pas de bourree derriere [pah duh boo-RAY deh-RYEHR]. Pas de bourree in back. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position en Pair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position back, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the second position, stepping on the demi-pointe. Bring the R foot in back of the L and lower both heels to the ground in the fifth position, demi-plie. The degage movement of this step may be started from the fifth position front or back.

Pas de bourree dessous [pah duh boo-RAY duh-SOO ]. Pas de bourree under. Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position en Pair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position back, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the second position, stepping on the demi-pointe. Bring the R foot in front of the L and lower both heels to the ground, demi-plie. This step may also be done bringing the free foot sur le cou-de-pied or to the knee on each step and finishing with the back foot sur le cou-de-pied. In this case the degage to the second position may be omitted. This step may also be done commencing with the R foot in the front. For a memory aid, see Pas de bourree derriere.

Pas de bourree dessous en tournant [ pah duh boo-RAY duh-SOO ahn toor-NAHN\. Pas de bourree under, turning. This pas de bourree is done turning en dehors. Fifth position R foot front or back. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position so that the point is a little off the ground.

Step on the R demi-pointe in the fifth position back, rising on the L demi- pointe and making a half-turn en dehors to the right. Step on the demi-pointe of the L foot, completing the turn to face front, and demi-plie in the fifth position R foot front. The turn may also be done lifting the free foot sur le cou- de-pied on each step, as: L foot sur le cou-de-pied devant, R foot sur le cou-de- pied devant and finishing with the L foot sur le cou-de-pied derriere. The French School terms this step “pas de bourree detourne.” See Pas de bourree en tournant en dehors.

Pas de bourree dessus [ pah duh boo-RAY duh-SEW]. Pas de bourree over. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position en Fair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position front, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the second position, stepping on the demi-pointe. Bring the R foot in back of the L in the fifth position and lower both heels to the ground and demi-plie. This step may also be done bringing the free foot sur le cou-de-pied or to the knee on each step and finishing with the front foot sur le cou-de-pied. In this case the degage to the second position may be omitted. The step may also be done commencing with the R foot in the back. For a memory aid, see Pas de bourree derriere.

Pas de bourree dessus en tournant [ pah duh boo-RAY duh-SEW ahn toor-NAHN]. Pas de bourree over, turning. This pas de bourree is done turning en dedans. Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position so that the point is a little off the ground. Step on the R demi-pointe in the fifth position front, rising on the L demi-pointe and making a half-turn en dedans to the left. Step on the demi-pointe of the L foot, completing the turn to face front, and demi-plie in the fifth position R foot back. The turn may also be done lifting the free foot sur le cou-de-pied on each step, as: L foot sur le cou-de-pied derriere, R foot sur le cou-de-pied derriere and finishing L foot sur le cou-de-pied devant. The French School terms this step “pas de bourree enveloppe en tournant.” SeePas de bourree en tournant en dedans.

Pas de bourree detourne [ pah duh boo-RAY day-toor-NAY ]. A term of the French School. Same as pas de bourree dessous en tournant.

Pas de bourree devant [ pah duh boo-RAY duh-VAHN ]. Pas de bourree in front. Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the second position en Pair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position front, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the second position, stepping on and lower both heels to the ground in the fifth position, demi-plie. The degage movement of this step may be started from the fifth position front or back. For a memory aid, see Pas de bourree derriere.

Pas de bourree emboite [ pah duh boo-RAY ahn-bwah-TAY ]. Pas de bourree “boxed.” A term of the Russian School. See Emboite sur les pointes.

Pas de bourree en arriere [ pah duh boo-RAY ah na-RYEHR]. Pas de bourree backward. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the fourth position front en Pair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position front, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the fourth position back, stepping on the demi-pointe. Bring the R foot in front of the L and lower both heels to the floor in the fifth position or extend the L leg a la quatrieme derriere a la demi-hauteur. May be taken croise en arriere or efface en arriere.

Pas de bourree en avant [ pah duh boo-RAY ah na-VAHN ]. Pas de bourree forward. Fifth position R foot back. Demi-plie and degage the R foot to the fourth position back en Pair a la demi-hauteur. Bring the R foot to the fifth position back, rising on the demi-pointes, and immediately open the L foot to the fourth position front, stepping on the demi-pointe. Bring the R foot in back of the L foot and lower both heels to the ground in demi-plie in the fifth position or extend the L leg forward a la quatrieme devant a la demi- hauteur. May be taken croise en avant or efface en avant.

Pas de bourree en tournant en dedans [pah duh boo-RAY ahn toor- NAHN ahn duh-DAHN]. Pas de bourree, turning inward. The general construction of this step is the same as the pas de bourree dessus en tournant.

Pas de bourree en tournant en dehors [ pah duh boo-RAY ahn toor- NAHN ahn duh-AWR]. Pas de bourree, turning outward. The general construction of this step is the same as the pas de bourree dessous en tournant.

Pas de bourree enveloppe en tournant [pah duh boo-RAY ahn-vuh- law-PAY ahn toor-NAHEf]. Pas de bourree enveloped, turning. A term of the French School. Same as pas de bourree dessus en tournant.

Pas de bourree jete en tournant [pah duh boo-RAY zhuh-TAY ahn toor-NAHN]. Pas de bourree thrown, turning. A compound step consisting of a pas de bourree dessus en tournant, making three-quarters of a turn, and a jete en avant, completing the turn.

Pas de bourree pique [pah duh boo-RAY pee-KAY]. Pas de bourree pricked. The free foot is picked up sharply sur le cou-de-pied or en retire on each step. Pas de bourree pique may be done on the points or demi-pointes, dessous, dessus, en tournant en dedans and en tournant en dehors.

Pas de bourree pique dessous [pah duh boo-RAY pee-KAY duh-SOO ]. Pas de bourree pique under. Fifth position croise, R foot front. Fondu on R, raising L foot to retire derriere. Pique on the L point or demi-pointe, raising the R foot sharply to retire devant. Step on the R point or demi-pointe to a small second position, raising the L foot to retire devant. Coupe dessus on the L foot (croise) with a good fondu, raising the R foot to retire derriere. Pas de bourree pique may also be finished in the fifth position on the points or demi- pointes.

Pas de bourree renverse [ pah duh boo-RAY rahn-vehr-SAY ]. Pas de bourree upset. This is a pas de bourree en tournant en dehors executed with a back-bend. See Renverse.

Pas de bourree suivi [ pah duh boo-RAY swee-VEE ]. Pas de bourree followed or connected. A term of the Russian School. This is a series of very small steps on the points. It may be done in all directions. There are two forms of pas de bourree suivi, one done in the fifth position and one done in the first position. See Pas de bourree couru en cinquieme; Pas de bourree coura en premiere.

Pas de bourree suivi en tournant [ pah duh boo-RAY swee-VEE ahn toor-NAHN]. Pas de bourree connected, turning. This is a series of very small steps on the points in the fifth position, turning in place.

Pas de bourree suivi in fifth position [ pah duh boo-RAY swee-VEE]. Fifth position R foot front. Demi-plie and releve to points. Step on the L point crossed behind the R foot, then close the R foot to the fifth position front; step to the right again on the L foot, and so on. Pas de bourree suivi in fifth position may be taken in all directions. See Pas de bourree couru en cinquieme.

Pas de bourree suivi in first position (pas couru) [ pah duh boo- RAY swee-VEE; pah koo-REW]. This step is always executed without a turnout (knees straight forward). It is done traveling forward or backward. See Pas de bourree couru en premiere.

Pas de chat, grand [ grahnpah duh shah]. Done from fifth to fifth and travels obliquely forward. Fifth position right foot back. Raise the right toe in retire to the side of the left knee and demi-plie on the left leg, spring upward, to the side on the right foot in a diagonal direction, bringing the left toe to the side of the right knee. The landing is made almost simultaneously, first the right foot lands in demi-plie, followed by the left foot, which closes in the fifth position front, bending the knee.

Pas de chat, grand (Russian School) [ grahnpah duh shah]. This step is started from an auxiliary step such as a glissade or pas couru. After the preliminary step (to the right), the R leg is thrown forward as in grand jete en avant (body efface) with the L leg up and back. Quickly bend the R knee, bringing the R foot to the L knee, then land on the R foot in demi-plie and glide the L foot through the first position to the fourth position front in croise, L leg in demi-plie. This pas de chat requires a long, high jump.

Pas de chat russe, grand [grahnpah duh shah rewss ]. Large Russian pas de chat. Same as grand pas de chat (Russian School).

Pas de chat (Russian School) [ pah duh shah]. In the Russian School, pas de chat is done in a different manner from the Cecchetti method. Fifth position croise R foot back. Demi-plie and brush the R leg in a half-bent position a la quatrieme derriere croise (demi -hauteur). The L leg follows, being thrown back in a half-bent position in efface to meet the R leg. There is a moment when both legs are in the air passing each other. The landing is made in demi-plie on the R leg, followed by the L leg, which passes forward into the fourth position croise, body facing croise. The L foot may also be closed in the fifth position. There should be a forward movement during the spring and the back should be arched when both feet are in the air.

Pas de cheval [pah duh shuh-VAL]. Horse’s-step. This step is so called because it resembles the movement of a horse pawing the ground. From the fourth position devant pointe tendue, brush the pointed foot inward toward the knee of the supporting leg. Without stopping the movement, execute a developpe, finishing pointe tendue a terre in the fourth position devant. The step may also be performed with a hop on the supporting foot as the working leg performs the developpe and points on the floor. It is usually performed in a series on alternating feet on the points or demi-pointes.

Pas de deux, grand [grahnpah duh duh]. Grand dance for two. It differs from the simple pas de deux in that it has a definite structure. As a general rule the grand pas de deux falls into five parts: entree, adage, variation for the danseuse, variation for the danseur, and the coda, in which both dancers dance together.

Pas d’elevation [pah day-lay-va-SYAWN]. See Elevation, pas d’.

Pas de papillon [pah duh pa-pee-YAWN]. Butterfly step. Same as jete passe en arriere

Pas de poisson [ pah duh pwah-SAWN]. Fish step. Same as temps de poisson.

Pas de polka [ pah duh pawl-KA]. Polka step. Fifth position R foot front. Temps leve on the L foot and execute a petit developpe a la quatrieme devant with the R leg. Step forward on the R foot and place the L foot slightly behind the R, then step forward on the R foot. Repeat on alternate feet. This step may be done sur les demi-pointes or sur les pointes traveling en avant, en arriere or in any direction.

Pas de quatre [ pah duh KA-truh]. A dance for four. The most famous pas de quatre in ballet history took place in London on July 12, 1845, at a command performance for Queen Victoria, when the four greatest ballerinas of the nineteenth century, Marie Taglioni, Carlotta Grisi, Fanny Cerrito and Lucile Grahn, appeared together.

Pas de trois [ pah duh trwah]. A dance for three. Similarly, a pas de cinq is a dance for five people; a pas de six is a dance for six people; etc.

Pas de valse [ pah duh valss ]. Waltz step. Done with a graceful swaying of the body with various arm movements. May be done facing or en tournant. The step is like a balance, but the feet do not cross.

Pas emboite [ pah ahn-bwah-TAY ]. “Boxed” step. See Emboite.

Pas failli [pah fah-YEE]. Giving-way step. See Failli.

Pas glisse [ pah glee-SAY ]. Gliding step. Any step that glides on the floor. Example: battement glisse.

Pas jete [ pah zhuh-TAY ]. Thrown or throwing step. See Jete.

Pas marche [ pah mar-SHAY ]. Marching step. This is the dignified, classical walk of the ballerina and the premier danseur. The step is commenced with a petit developpe R with a strongly arched instep, followed by a fondu on the supporting L leg. Step forward on the R foot in the fourth position croise so that the toe reaches the ground first, then lower the R heel with the foot slightly turned out, transferring the weight forward. Repeat on alternate feet.

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