Vogue 73 dance question addition for dancers. Vogue celebrity 73 questions have been around for some time. Who created Vogue 73 questions? It was created by Joe Sabia, a digital remix artist and video content producer. Why does Vogue have 73 questions? “At first, it was supposed to be 100. But I wanted to do it in one take — that was so important to me. Looking at the choreography, because it's also really important to have movement, it seemed really scary and impractical to try to do that many questions. I went through them and deleted a bunch, and we landed on 73.” Joe Sabia.
You can find many amazing celebrities answering Vogue's 73 questions including: Neil Patrick Harris, Zac Efron, Daniel Radcliffe, Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian West, Emma Stone, Selena Gomez, Reese Witherspoon, Derek Zoolander, Nicole Kidman, Daisy Ridley, Sarah Jessica Parker, Blake Lively. The first person to do the Vogue 73 question was Sarah Jessica Parker. Sarah Jessica Parker answered the Vogue questions as us viewers also got to see inside Parker's gorgeous NYC Townhouse. During Sarah Jessica Parker we learned that her favorite movie was "The Way We Were."
You can find more information and videos at Vogue.com
Ballet Dance World we used Vogue's 73 questions and added dance to make it fun for dancers to answer. Great for rapid fire questions? Use for dance studio fun breaks, dance camps, dance birthday party ideas. We used the original questions from the first 73 Vogue question with Sarah Jessica Parker and Joe Sabia. Now it's best and funniest to answer the question in one take, dancing (walk) around the dance school showing, your talent moves and the beautiful studio. Best ballet dance birthday party idea, Vogue questions. If needed, use less questions or add additional questions.
1. How long have you been at your current dance studio?
2. What’s your favorite season to see a ballet dance performance?
3. What’s your favorite activity when not dancing?
4. Would you ever leave the dance world?
5. What are three words to describe dance?
6. What’s your favorite variation?
7. Favorite dance movie in the past five years?
8. Favorite dance film?
9. Favorite dance TV show that’s currently on?
10. What’s a dance book you plan on reading?
11. A book you read that positively shaped you?
12. A book you read in school that you still think of today?
13. On a scale of one to ten how excited are you about dance life right now?
14. To film your dances use an iPhone or Android?
15. Post your dance video ASAP on what social media first?
16. Dance videos posted to friends on Facebook or Snapchat?
17. Who should EVERY DANCER be following right now?
18. What’s the coolest thing in your dance bag?
19. What’s your favorite dance term?
20. What’s your favorite dance step?
21. Least favorite dance move?
22. At dance class, What do you love to wear?
23. While dancing, what’s your favorite drink?
24. Favorite dessert after dancing?
25. Fouette or Pirouette?
26. Weirdest thing happened while you danced?
27. What’s the hardest part about being a dancer?
28. What’s your favorite band?
29. Favorite solo artist?
30. Favorite lyrics?
31. If your life were a song, what would the title be?
32. If you could sing a duet with anyone, who would it be?
33. If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
34. If you had a tattoo, would it be a dancer?
35. To be or not to be?
36. What song are you currently dancing to?
37. What number of question was this?
38. Barre or Center?
39. Turns or Jumps?
40. Pointe or flat shoes?
41. Pointe class or Ballet flat class?
42. What’s your spirit dancer?
43. Best dance gift you’ve ever received?
44. Last dance item you gave a friend?
45. A dancer you want to have coffee with?
46. A historical dance figure you’d love to have coffee with?
47. How do you like your pointe shoe?
48. Can anyone use your ballet shoes?
49. What’s your favorite dance word?
50. What’s your favorite dance time AM or PM?
51. What’s your favorite dance studio to visit?
52. What’s the last dance studio you visited?
53. What dance studio do you wish to visit?
54. What do you see in you now, here?
55. Full sole or split sole?
56. What’s your favorite color?
57. Least favorite color?
58. What color is your eye makeup?
59. Tights or non-tights?
60. Cheap bobin or expensive?
61. Blow-dry or air-dry before bun hair?
62. Red lip all the time?
63. Can you give an impersonation of you teaching dance?
64. Can you do the same impersonation with an accent?
65. One question you would ask a friend now?
66. Would you give away your pointe shoes?
67. Pilates or yoga?
68. Jogging or swimming?
69. Best way to decompress?
70. If you had one superpower, what would it be?
71. Can you describe an experience you felt most nervous about?
72. What’s the weirdest word in the ballet language?
73. Last question: Is this the strangest interview you’ve ever had?